Resuming Everybody Eats posts but am I still napping, having another bizarre dream? Didn't we already finish the Lewis Carroll / Alice unit at Fantasy and SF? Just the dish for the Mad Hatter's Tea Party...
Dessert spaghetti and meatballs on a fork? What?
This recipe explains how to create what looks like normal spaghetti and meatballs, but is actually a concoction of sweet treats. Using some basic ingredients and supplies these scrumptious desserts will be sure to add fun to all occasions.
Ever wonder why the Irish go bananas for the potato? This infographic from GoIreland suggests that it's more about health and nutrition than taste.
Aside from being virtually fat-free, one spud provides your body with complex carbohydrates that are released slowly into the bloodstream, reducing insulin spikes. And most of a potato's fiber and nutrients are concentrated beneath its skin, so don't peel it!
Check out the full infographic for all the fun facts about the potato's history and nutritional benefits.
…as explained by Steven Raichlen, one of the country’s leading BBQ experts, on cooking out of doors using fire...
… two million years of human history as seen through the prism of grilling. From Thailand to Turkey to Texas, grilling is apparently a way of life. We live on a BBQ planet.
Barbacoa is a form of cooking meat that originated among the native tribes of the Americas, from which the term “barbecue” derives. They cooked slow and low over a smoky fire. BBQing began with homo erectus, an extinct species of hominid that lived from the end of the Pliocene epoch to the later Pleistocene, about 1.3 to 1.8 million years ago.
Raichlen has a theory that there was a forest fire which roasted a bison or prehistoric deer and uttered the first grunt of gastronomic satisfaction. The discovery that you could cook meat with fire led to massive changes in how humans were built. It led to a tripling of the size of the human brain and a shrinking of the size of the jaw....
In The Iliad by Homer, there’s a scene of an animal sacrifice. A pyre was raised on the beach and a cow slaughtered. The meat was covered in fat and the salt and basted every now and again in red wine. “I’ve made it and it’s delicious,” Raichlen said.
Not only does everybody eat, but there's a downside. It's not just recipes, healthy eating and going to the farmers market. Sustainability is not just about us: it's about the whole planet.
Americans love hamburgers – we each eat an average of three a week. But what are the hidden costs? It turns out that industrial beef creates about as much greenhouse gas pollution as cars, planes and other forms of transport. It also takes a heavy environmental toll on land and water worldwide. How can we reduce our impact? Learn more in this animated short from the Center for Investigative
Credits: Carrie Ching – Director/Producer/Reporter
Sarah Terry-Cobo – Reporter/Narrator
Arthur Jones – Illustrator/Animator