Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reese's Ice Cream Cake

…it's still National Ice Cream Month. Ice cream, cake, chocolate. Win-win-win. Besides, I wanted to make sure I didn't miss posting a cake something before the fmonth ran out. This is not from a high end cake site that makes you think, too much trouble, I'll never do that, but from *Instructables (the any and everybody can do site), submitted by kristylynn84 who writes...

The Reese's Ice Cream Cake. Brownie. Better than cake and better than ice cream. Occasionally, this sinfully sweet, rich, soft, chewy, flavorful and chocolaty cake arrives on our birthdays.  Your favorite bite will be a cool slide of the cake from your fork, into your mouth, crunch through the magic...

Continue Reading » Reese's Ice Cream Cake 

* about Instructables: a web-based documentation platform where passionate people share what they do and how they do it, learn from and collaborate with others. You will find not just recipes but DIY pages for toys, gadgets, tips and stuff for the garden, furniture, knitting and sewing, storage areas and containers, tech,home improvement, appliance repaie and more. For example, how to build a yurt is today's featured project. Something for another blog, places along the way or McGee's Closet (under development)

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